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====== Ash ====== {{}} **Were you born in Lockenport, or elsewhere?** I was born in a forest far to the north, way beyond the Torgen mountains. **Do you have a big family? Do you stay in touch with them?** Of our family only a few scattered ashes remain. I grew up amongst the fey. **What are your religious beliefs?** I follow Melora. **Do you have any famous ancestors?** We travel with a light step, and attempt to leave no footprints. **What sort of education or training have you had?** The elders show one where to start, the goddess shows one where to go. **Do you have a trade (other than “adventuring”)?** I am an explorer, the adventure seems to follow. **Do you have many enemies?** Not many, no. **What style of clothes do you favour?** On the mainland I've seen even trained monkeys wear noble hats. It's better to go for quiet armor, sensible boots, and cloak that provides both shelter and stealth. **Have you ever killed someone?** What do you think? **What is your opinion of the Lockenport authorities?** I have no opinion of them yet, ask me again later. ===== Ash's Journal ===== === Arrival === Suddenly we're in Lockenport, a big sprawling city all the way on the South coast. At least we're out in the open again, and close to the sea. Living underground in Thunderspire, and those freaky metal minotaurs was really starting to get to me. For now a fresh ocean breeze and seemingly plenty of opportunity awaits.

ash.1323768974.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/12/13 11:36 by Henk