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kots [2011/12/04 08:49]
Ant Brooks [Knights of the Serpent]
kots [2011/12/30 10:41] (current)
Ant Brooks [Games]
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 ===== Games ===== ===== Games =====
 +{{ http://​​dnd/​downloads/​galleries/​H2_ThunderspireLabyrinth_art/​img/​114649_CN_GL.jpg?​300}}
 The group is known to have investigated an incursion into the Keep on the Shadowfell, and dealt with a number of dangerous foes in Thunderspire Labyrinth. The group is known to have investigated an incursion into the Keep on the Shadowfell, and dealt with a number of dangerous foes in Thunderspire Labyrinth.
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 | 2008-06-28 \\ 2008-07-12 \\ 2008-08-09 \\ 2008-11-22 \\ 2008-02-21 \\ 2008-03-21 | Keep on the Shadowfell | | 2008-06-28 \\ 2008-07-12 \\ 2008-08-09 \\ 2008-11-22 \\ 2008-02-21 \\ 2008-03-21 | Keep on the Shadowfell |
 | 2009-04-04 | Trouble Up River | | 2009-04-04 | Trouble Up River |
-| 2009-05-02 \\ 2009-06-06 \\ 2009-07-10 \\ 2009-08-01 \\ 2009-09-11 \\ 2010-12-05 \\ 2010-02-06 \\ 2010-05-01 | Thunderspire Labyrinth | +| 2009-05-02 \\ 2009-06-06 \\ 2009-07-10 \\ 2009-08-01 \\ 2009-09-11 \\ 2009-12-05 \\ 2010-02-06 \\ 2010-05-01 | Thunderspire Labyrinth | 
-| 2011-12-03 | From Thunderspire ​to Lockenport ​|+| 2011-12-03 | Thunderspire ​Irregulars ​|
kots.1322981375.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/12/04 08:49 by Ant Brooks