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====== Lark the Rising Whisper ====== Lark is a rather complicated being. As a Deva, he experienced his immortality through a multitude of bodies, each one their own exquisite and immaculate perfection. Although he does not remember how, his previous incarnation was cursed with the Spellplague. This at first awakened within him the elemental forces of storm magic. However, he soon spiralled downwards into destructive madness, mercilessly slaying many of his own people with his unbridled power. After resisting death and causing untold chaos upon his fellow brethren, he was eventually trapped into a magically sealed demiplane where neither his body nor his soul could escape, in fear that he would be reborn a Rakshasa for all his acts of corruption. It was only the [[The_Raven_Queen|Raven Queen]] who heard his cries of torment, pleading for his own death so that he could escape his eternal prison into another body. Using her own powerful magic she agreed to free him and rebirth his soul into a new body and mind of her own creation, magically binding his untamed spirit to her will as her personal servant and warrior. Thus, Lark is became both Deva and Revenant. An immortal soul, yet living in a body of undead, he awaits to repay his debt upon any fool senseless enough to seek his mistress's downfall, soundlessly swooping through each echo of fate's last breath. ===== About Lark ===== {{}} **Were you born in Lockenport, or elsewhere?** I have been born and reborn into countless bodies. I was after all once Deva. However, after my most recent birth I awoke under the earth. It felt good to be so close to death. But alas. **Do you have a big family? Do you stay in touch with them?** I murdered many Deva brethren in my previous life. I doubt they would be joyful to learn of my escape. **What are your religious beliefs?** I serve only the will of the Raven Queen herself. Believe what you will, it is only through death that we find certainty. **Do you have any famous ancestors?** Deva do not ascend from anybody. We are immortal souls unto our own. **What sort of education or training have you had?** I have the memories of a thousand lifetimes. I am one yet many. You would never be able to understand. **Do you have a trade (other than "adventuring")?** Why yes - I guess you could say I'm fascinated with reading fate. Who knows - maybe even yours. *wink* **Do you have many enemies?** Like I said before, I murdered many of my brethren in my past. They will not be pleased to learn of my escape. I also hunt both the cults of Orcus and the Demon Prince of the Undead who seeks to usurp the throne of my Queen. **What style of clothes do you favour?** As a Deva I did enjoy much splendor and opulence, but the Raven Queen has taught me to see beyond such trappings. Being unseen is the new seen. **Have you ever killed someone?** I don't see it as killing, rather as things returning to their natural state. Some things simply deserve to go earlier than others, that's all. **What is your opinion of the Lockenport authorities?** I have very little interest in mortal affairs. I am only here to serve as eyes and claws for my Queen. ==== Lark's Journal ====

lark.1341462246.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/07/05 06:24 by David Driver