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start [2013/11/16 18:32]
Ant Brooks [Missions played (and upcoming)]
start [2017/07/30 16:00] (current)
Ant Brooks
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 | [[deadlands|Deadlands]] \\ [[lezhar_marshlands|Lezhar Marshlands]] \\ [[lodrens_gate|Lodren'​s Gate]] \\ [[edgemire|Village of Edgemire]] \\ [[great_forest|Mistyvale]] \\ \\ | [[comack_island|Map of Comack Island]] \\ [[mainland|Map of the Mainland]] \\ [[subcontinent|Map of the Subcontinent]] \\ \\ {{:​lagoon_hauntings.jpg?​linkonly|Lagoon Hauntings}} \\ {{:​fungus_fields.jpg?​linkonly|Fungus Fields}} \\ {{::​the_pit.jpg?​linkonly|The Pit}} \\ | [[herbs|Herbs of the Lezhar Marshlands]] \\ [[kots|Knights of the Serpent]] \\ [[Knights of the Autumn Leaves|Knights of the Autumn Leaves]] \\ \\ [[http://​​|Character Builder direct link]] \\ [[http://​​forum/​showwiki.php?​title=4E-Character-Optimization-Guide|Character Optimization Guide]] | | [[deadlands|Deadlands]] \\ [[lezhar_marshlands|Lezhar Marshlands]] \\ [[lodrens_gate|Lodren'​s Gate]] \\ [[edgemire|Village of Edgemire]] \\ [[great_forest|Mistyvale]] \\ \\ | [[comack_island|Map of Comack Island]] \\ [[mainland|Map of the Mainland]] \\ [[subcontinent|Map of the Subcontinent]] \\ \\ {{:​lagoon_hauntings.jpg?​linkonly|Lagoon Hauntings}} \\ {{:​fungus_fields.jpg?​linkonly|Fungus Fields}} \\ {{::​the_pit.jpg?​linkonly|The Pit}} \\ | [[herbs|Herbs of the Lezhar Marshlands]] \\ [[kots|Knights of the Serpent]] \\ [[Knights of the Autumn Leaves|Knights of the Autumn Leaves]] \\ \\ [[http://​​|Character Builder direct link]] \\ [[http://​​forum/​showwiki.php?​title=4E-Character-Optimization-Guide|Character Optimization Guide]] |
-===== Missions played ​(and upcoming) ​=====+===== Missions played =====
 ^ Date ^ Title ^ Irregulars ^ Players ^ ^ Date ^ Title ^ Irregulars ^ Players ^
-| 2013-11-17 ​              | [[not_an_official_mission|Not an Official Mission]] ​                              ​| Clunk, Grymes, Hunzu, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak       | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] |+| 2017-07-29 \\ 2017-07-30 | The End of the World                                                      | Ash, Faustus, Neris, Stoella, Xi, Zulak \\ with Seven, Mørte and Hunzu | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2017-04-29 ​              | The Last Missions of the Lockenport Irregulars ​                           | Ash, Faustus, Frost, Legion, Moonshine, Neris, Stoella, Ubu, Xi, Zulak | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2017-01-14 ​              | Excision: Part Two                                                        | Clunk, Hunzu, Legion, Seven, Stoella, Zarra          | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2016-12-03 ​              | The Second Gate: Part Two                                                 | Ash, Dawn, Faustus, Frost, Xi, Zulak                 | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2016-11-26 ​              | The Second Gate: Part One                                                 | Ash, Dawn, Faustus, Frost, Xi, Zulak                 | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2016-10-01 ​              | Excision: Part One                                                        | Clunk, Hunzu, Legion, Seven, Stoella, Zarra          | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2016-09-10 ​              | Against the Primordials ​                                                  | Ash, Faustus, Frost, Ubu, Xi, Zulak                  | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2016-07-30 ​              | Torog                                                                     | Ash, Faustus, Frost, Ubu, Xi, Zulak                  | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2016-06-26 ​              | Petru'​s Gate: Part Two                                                    | Ash, Faustus, Frost, Ubu, Xi, Zulak                  | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2016-04-17 ​              | Petru'​s Gate: Part One                                                    | Ash, Faustus, Frost, Ubu, Xi, Zulak                  | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2016-03-13 ​              | The Kraken ​                                                               | Ash, Frost, Mørte, Neris, Xi, Zulak \\ Clunk, Eckhardt, Legion, Moonshine, Seven, Stoella | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2016-02-21 ​              | [[the_hive_and_the_cabal|The Hive and the Cabal]] ​                        | Ash, Frost, Mørte, Neris, Xi, Zulak \\ Clunk, Eckhardt, Legion, Moonshine, Seven, Stoella | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2016-01-10 ​              | [[warforged|Warforged]] ​                                                  | Clunk, Eckhardt, Faustus, Frost, Legion, Xi          | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William |  
 +| 2015-12-16 ​              | [[beholders|Beholders]] ​                                                  | Ash, Mørte, Neris, Stoella, Zulak                    | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | 
 +| 2015-12-06 ​              | [[plan_b_deflection|Plan B: Deflection]] ​                                 | Ash, Mørte, Neris, Stoella, Zulak                    | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | 
 +| 2015-11-29 ​              | [[dragonborn_and_the_dragon|The Dragonborn and the Dragon]] ​              | Ash, Hunzu, Faustus, Seven, Stoella, Zulak           | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2015-07-19 ​              | [[return_to_the_eye_of_ioun|Return to the Eye of Ioun]] ​                  | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Hunzu, Mørte, Stoella, Seven, Zulak | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2015-06-21 ​              | [[gods_essence|God'​s Essence]] ​                                           | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Seven, Zulak        | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2015-05-03 ​              | [[meanwhile_in_lockenport|Meanwhile,​ In Lockenport]] ​                     | Clunk, Frost, Mørte, Neris, Sha'​kar,​ Xi              | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2015-04-05 ​              | [[twenty_folded_gate|The Twenty-Folded Gate]]: Part Three                 | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Seven, Zulak        | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2015-02-08 ​              | [[twenty_folded_gate|The Twenty-Folded Gate]]: Part Two                   | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Seven, Zulak        | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2015-01-11 ​              | [[twenty_folded_gate|The Twenty-Folded Gate]]: Part One                   | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Seven, Zulak        | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2014-12-14 ​              | [[towards_the_twenty_folded_gate|Towards the Twenty-Folded Gate]] ​        | Ash, Dawn, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Seven, Zulak  | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | 
 +| 2014-09-06 ​              | [[back_into_the_pit|Back Into the Pit]]: Part Three                       | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak     | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | 
 +| 2014-07-13 ​              | [[the_widow_doornan|The Widow Doornan]] ​                                  | Clunk, Hunzu, Grymes, Frost, Sha'​kar ​                | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | 
 +| 2014-06-16 ​              | [[back_into_the_pit|Back Into the Pit]]: Part Two                         | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak     | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | 
 +| 2014-06-01 ​              | [[back_into_the_pit|Back Into the Pit]]: Part One                         | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak     | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | 
 +| 2014-04-20 ​              | [[rockwoods_legacy|Rockwood'​s Legacy]] ​                                   | Clunk, Mørte, Neris, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak        | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | 
 +| 2014-02-16 ​              | [[more_unfinished_business|More Unfinished Business]] ​                    | Clunk, Hunzu, Mørte, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak        | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | 
 +| 2013-12-16 ​              | [[rescue_the_sage|Rescue the Sage]] ​                                      | Clunk, Faustus, Hunzu, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak      | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | 
 +| 2013-11-17 ​              | [[not_an_official_mission|Not an Official Mission]] ​                      ​| Clunk, Grymes, Hunzu, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak       | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] |
 | 2013-09-24 ​              | [[unfinished_business|Unfinished Business]] ​                              | Clunk, Grymes, Hunzu, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak       | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2013-09-24 ​              | [[unfinished_business|Unfinished Business]] ​                              | Clunk, Grymes, Hunzu, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak       | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] |
 | 2013-08-04 ​              | [[who_killed_thobur_goldfist|Who Killed Thobur Goldfist?​]] ​               | Elfish, Gloom, Haruku, Hawthorn, Leetor, Six         | Anton, Caryl, Craig, David, Shaun, William | | 2013-08-04 ​              | [[who_killed_thobur_goldfist|Who Killed Thobur Goldfist?​]] ​               | Elfish, Gloom, Haruku, Hawthorn, Leetor, Six         | Anton, Caryl, Craig, David, Shaun, William |
start.1384619520.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/11/16 18:32 by Ant Brooks