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start [2017/07/30 15:59]
Ant Brooks [Missions played (and upcoming)]
start [2017/07/30 16:00] (current)
Ant Brooks
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 | [[deadlands|Deadlands]] \\ [[lezhar_marshlands|Lezhar Marshlands]] \\ [[lodrens_gate|Lodren'​s Gate]] \\ [[edgemire|Village of Edgemire]] \\ [[great_forest|Mistyvale]] \\ \\ | [[comack_island|Map of Comack Island]] \\ [[mainland|Map of the Mainland]] \\ [[subcontinent|Map of the Subcontinent]] \\ \\ {{:​lagoon_hauntings.jpg?​linkonly|Lagoon Hauntings}} \\ {{:​fungus_fields.jpg?​linkonly|Fungus Fields}} \\ {{::​the_pit.jpg?​linkonly|The Pit}} \\ | [[herbs|Herbs of the Lezhar Marshlands]] \\ [[kots|Knights of the Serpent]] \\ [[Knights of the Autumn Leaves|Knights of the Autumn Leaves]] \\ \\ [[http://​​|Character Builder direct link]] \\ [[http://​​forum/​showwiki.php?​title=4E-Character-Optimization-Guide|Character Optimization Guide]] | | [[deadlands|Deadlands]] \\ [[lezhar_marshlands|Lezhar Marshlands]] \\ [[lodrens_gate|Lodren'​s Gate]] \\ [[edgemire|Village of Edgemire]] \\ [[great_forest|Mistyvale]] \\ \\ | [[comack_island|Map of Comack Island]] \\ [[mainland|Map of the Mainland]] \\ [[subcontinent|Map of the Subcontinent]] \\ \\ {{:​lagoon_hauntings.jpg?​linkonly|Lagoon Hauntings}} \\ {{:​fungus_fields.jpg?​linkonly|Fungus Fields}} \\ {{::​the_pit.jpg?​linkonly|The Pit}} \\ | [[herbs|Herbs of the Lezhar Marshlands]] \\ [[kots|Knights of the Serpent]] \\ [[Knights of the Autumn Leaves|Knights of the Autumn Leaves]] \\ \\ [[http://​​|Character Builder direct link]] \\ [[http://​​forum/​showwiki.php?​title=4E-Character-Optimization-Guide|Character Optimization Guide]] |
-===== Missions played ​(and upcoming) ​=====+===== Missions played =====
 ^ Date ^ Title ^ Irregulars ^ Players ^ ^ Date ^ Title ^ Irregulars ^ Players ^
start.1501423180.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/07/30 15:59 by Ant Brooks