**This is an old revision of the document!** ----
~~NOTOC~~ ====== Lockenport Irregulars ====== ===== About the Campaign ===== [[irregulars|{{:wanted_sign.jpg?360 |}}]] [[comack_island|{{ :comack_island_small.jpg|Comack Island}}]] The Lockenport Irregulars is a 4th edition [[http://wizards.com/dnd/|Dungeons & Dragons]] campaign with a flexible group of players. The campaign consists of a series of fairly short adventures, each involving a slightly different group of guild members drawn from a larger ensemble cast. Each adventure runs over the course of one to a few weekends (not necessarily consecutive) with roughly one game a month. Prospective adventurers for each mission are selected on the basis of experience (from none to lots), availability on the game dates, and overall group composition. Players are welcome (and even encouraged) to have more than one character who is a member of the [[irregulars|Lockenport Irregulars]], since quests will require heroes of varying experience to successfully complete them. There is a [[list_of_irregulars|list of Irregulars guild members]], including the characters' current levels. If you are interested in signing up for the Irregulars, please drop guildmaster at hivemind dot net a note. If you have a particular character in mind to become a member of the Guild, you are welcome to mention that character in your mail. If you are a newcomer to the campaign, you might want to read [[story_so_far|the Story so Far]] which is a brief synopsis of the campaign up to the end of the [[[[threat_of_the_undead_horde|Threat of the Undead Horde]] mission (in other words, useful, but already quite out of date). ===== Quick links ===== ^ About the Irregulars ^ About Lockenport ^ About Comack Island ^ | [[irregulars|About the Guild]] \\ [[list_of_irregulars|Guild Members]] \\ [[missions|Known Missions]] \\ [[allies_and_enemies|Allies and Enemies]] \\ \\ [[experience|Experience points]] \\ | [[lockenport|About the City]] \\ [[sites_of_lockenport|Sites of Lockenport]] \\ [[guilds_of_lockenport|Guilds of Lockenport]] \\ [[families_of_lockenport|Families of Lockenport]] \\ \\ \\ | [[esten_town|Esten Town]] \\ [[stitch|Town of Stitch]] \\ [[dunsey|Village of Dunsey]] \\ [[highwatch|Village of Highwatch]] \\ [[badlands|Western Badlands]] \\ [[yarne|Yarne River]] \\ | ^ Mainland Locations ^ Maps ^ Miscellaneous ^ | [[deadlands|Deadlands]] \\ [[lezhar_marshlands|Lezhar Marshlands]] \\ [[lodrens_gate|Lodren's Gate]] \\ [[edgemire|Village of Edgemire]] \\ [[great_forest|Mistyvale]] \\ \\ | [[comack_island|Map of Comack Island]] \\ [[mainland|Map of the Mainland]] \\ [[subcontinent|Map of the Subcontinent]] \\ \\ {{:lagoon_hauntings.jpg?linkonly|Lagoon Hauntings}} \\ {{:fungus_fields.jpg?linkonly|Fungus Fields}} \\ {{::the_pit.jpg?linkonly|The Pit}} \\ | [[herbs|Herbs of the Lezhar Marshlands]] \\ [[kots|Knights of the Serpent]] \\ [[Knights of the Autumn Leaves|Knights of the Autumn Leaves]] \\ \\ [[http://vecna.wizards.com/|Character Builder direct link]] \\ [[http://www.enworld.org/forum/showwiki.php?title=4E-Character-Optimization-Guide|Character Optimization Guide]] | ===== Missions played (and upcoming) ===== ^ Date ^ Title ^ Irregulars ^ Players ^ | 2016-02-21 | [[the_hive_and_the_cabal|The Hive and the Cabal | ??? | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | | 2016-01-10 | [[warforged|Warforged]] | Clunk, Eckhardt, Faustus, Frost, Legion, Xi | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | | 2015-12-16 | [[beholders|Beholders]] | Ash, Mørte, Neris, Stoella, Zulak | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2015-12-06 | [[plan_b_deflection|Plan B: Deflection]] | Ash, Mørte, Neris, Stoella, Zulak | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2015-11-29 | [[dragonborn_and_the_dragon|The Dragonborn and the Dragon]] | Ash, Hunzu, Faustus, Seven, Stoella, Zulak | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | | 2015-07-19 | [[return_to_the_eye_of_ioun|Return to the Eye of Ioun]] | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Hunzu, Mørte, Stoella, Seven, Zulak | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | | 2015-06-21 | [[gods_essence|God's Essence]] | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Seven, Zulak | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | | 2015-05-03 | [[meanwhile_in_lockenport|Meanwhile, In Lockenport]] | Clunk, Frost, Mørte, Neris, Sha'kar, Xi | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | | 2015-04-05 | [[twenty_folded_gate|The Twenty-Folded Gate]]: Part Three | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Seven, Zulak | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | | 2015-02-08 | [[twenty_folded_gate|The Twenty-Folded Gate]]: Part Two | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Seven, Zulak | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | | 2015-01-11 | [[twenty_folded_gate|The Twenty-Folded Gate]]: Part One | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Seven, Zulak | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | | 2014-12-14 | [[towards_the_twenty_folded_gate|Towards the Twenty-Folded Gate]] | Ash, Dawn, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Seven, Zulak | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]], William | | 2014-09-06 | [[back_into_the_pit|Back Into the Pit]]: Part Three | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2014-07-13 | [[the_widow_doornan|The Widow Doornan]] | Clunk, Hunzu, Grymes, Frost, Sha'kar | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2014-06-16 | [[back_into_the_pit|Back Into the Pit]]: Part Two | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2014-06-01 | [[back_into_the_pit|Back Into the Pit]]: Part One | Ash, Eckhardt, Faustus, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2014-04-20 | [[rockwoods_legacy|Rockwood's Legacy]] | Clunk, Mørte, Neris, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2014-02-16 | [[more_unfinished_business|More Unfinished Business]] | Clunk, Hunzu, Mørte, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2013-12-16 | [[rescue_the_sage|Rescue the Sage]] | Clunk, Faustus, Hunzu, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2013-11-17 | [[not_an_official_mission|Not an Official Mission]] | Clunk, Grymes, Hunzu, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2013-09-24 | [[unfinished_business|Unfinished Business]] | Clunk, Grymes, Hunzu, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2013-08-04 | [[who_killed_thobur_goldfist|Who Killed Thobur Goldfist?]] | Elfish, Gloom, Haruku, Hawthorn, Leetor, Six | Anton, Caryl, Craig, David, Shaun, William | | 2013-07-07 | [[the_search_for_the_alchemists_spirit|The Search for the Alchemist's Spirit]] | Ash, Grymes, Hunzu, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2013-06-16 | [[a_royal_visit|A Royal Visit]] | Ash, Grymes, Hunzu, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2013-03-31 | [[risk_assessment|Risk Assessment]] | Ash, Dawn, Frost, Grymes, Sha'kar, Zimmijon | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2013-03-10 | [[the_mysterious_box|The Mysterious Box]] | Aldarin, Ashanti, Elfish, Haruku, Leetor, Lugh | Anton, Caryl, Clinton, Guy, Jethro, Shaun | | 2013-03-03 | [[the_wizard_baylund|The Wizard Baylund]] | Clunk, Hunzu, Rockwood, Stoella, Zarra, Zulak | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2012-12-09 | [[assault_on_the_citadel_of_the_dead|Assault on the Citadel of the Dead]] | Ash, Clunk, Dawn, Frost, Hunzu, Jimson, Petru, Rockwood, Sha-kar, Stoella, Xav, Zarra, Zimmijon, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2012-11-26 | [[allies_part_two|Allies: Part Two]] | Ash, Hunzu, Ignus, Neena, Sha'kar, Stoella | [[Andrew]], Daniel, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2012-11-04 | [[allies_part_one|Allies: Part One]] | Clunk, Eckhardt, Lark, Petru, Zimmijon, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, Peet | | 2012-10-13 | [[once_more_into_the_pit|Once More into the Pit]] | Ash, Dawn, Petru, Stoella, Zimmijon, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Craig, Henk, Hertzog, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2012-09-23 | [[last_stand_at_torgenham|Evacuation of Torgen Pass]] | Ash, Frost, Jimson, Neris, Rockwood, Zimmijon | Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2012-09-02 | [[eye_of_ioun|Eye of Ioun]] | Clunk, Dawn, Sha'kar, Stoella, Xavorin, Zarra | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2012-08-19 | [[last_stand_at_torgenham|Last Stand at Torgenham]] | Ash, Frost, Jimson, Neris, Rockwood, Zimmijon | Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2012-07-29 | [[shadow_of_the_assassin|Shadow of the Assassin]] | Ash, Ignus, Mi'kaii, Petru, Stoella, Zulak | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, John, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2012-07-08 | [[into_the_pit|Into the Pit]]: Part Two | Ash, Kat, Lark, Luusi, Ubu, Zimmijon | Bretton, Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, Peet | | 2012-06-17 | [[the_mysterious_a|The Mysterious "A"]]: Part Two | Clunk, Eckhardt, Farzel, Rockwood, Stoella, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Bretton, Henk, Hertzog, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2012-05-27 | [[deeper_into_the_pit|Deeper Into the Pit]] | Angus, Eckhardt, Frost, Ignus, Sha'kar, Xavorin | [[Andrew]], Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, [[Rich]] | | 2012-05-13 | [[into_the_pit|Into the Pit]]: Part One | Ash, Kat, Lark, Luusi, Ubu, Zimmijon | Bretton, Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, Peet | | 2012-04-08 | [[who_is_in_charge_of_esten_town|Who is in Charge of Esten Town?]] | Ash, Frost, Lark, Luusi, Sha'kar, Zimmijon | [[Andrew]], Bretton, Craig, David, Henk, [[Rich]] | | 2012-03-04 | [[the_mysterious_a|The Mysterious "A"]]: Part One | Clunk, Farzel, Rockwood, Stoella, Zarra, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Bretton, David, Henk, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2012-01-22 | [[trouble_in_esten_town|Trouble in Esten Town]] | Angus, Farzel, Jimson, Neris, Rockwood, Wizen | Bretton, Daniël, David, Henk, Hertzog, Peet | | 2011-12-27 | [[defenders_of_comack_island_ii|Defenders of Comack Island II]] | Ash, Corrin, Gloomhol, Petru, Ubu, Zulak | [[Andrew]], David, Henk, Hertzog, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2011-12-17 | [[winter_comes_early|Winter Comes Early]] | Ash, Florian, Gloomhol, Petru, Ubu, Xavorin | Anton, Craig, David, Henk, Hertzog, Peet | | 2011-10-23 | [[defenders_of_comack_island|Defenders of Comack Island]] | Clunk, Petru, Stoella, Ubu, Xavorin, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Craig, Henk, Hertzog, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2011-06-19 | [[threat_of_the_undead_horde|Threat of the Undead Horde]] | Clunk, Leetor, QiRa, Stoella, Wizen, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Anton, Daniël, Diricia, Henk, [[Rich]] | | 2011-04-30 | [[festival_of_the_moons|Festival of the Moons]]: Part Two | Acorn, Angus, Ashanti, Leetor, QiRa, Suarez | Alicia, AndrewTW, Anton, Diricia, Guy, Henk | | 2011-04-22 | [[festival_of_the_moons|Festival of the Moons]]: Part One | Clunk, Eckhardt, Petru, Stoella, Wizen, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Daniël, Henk, Hertzog, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2011-03-13 | [[return_to_the_lezhar_marshlands|Return to the Lezhar Marshlands]] | Clunk, Eckhardt, Leetor, Petru, QiRa, Stoella, Zulak | Anton, [[Andrew]], Diricia, Henk, Hertzog, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2011-02-27 | [[behir_hunt|Behir Hunt]] | Acorn, Clunk, Leetor, Stoella, Wizen, Zulak | Alicia, Anton, [[Andrew]], Daniël, Henk, [[Rich]] | | 2011-01-08 | [[case_of_the_missing_wagon|Case of the Missing Wagon]] | Angus, Farzel, Leetor, Mi'kaii, Tokodok | Anton, Bretton, Henk, Jo, John | | 2010-12-23 \\ 2010-12-18 | [[lagoon_hauntings|Lagoon Hauntings]] | Clunk, Eckhardt, Petru, Stoella, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Henk, Hertzog, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2010-12-11 | [[sleeper_agents|Sleeper Agents]] | Clunk, Eckhardt, Petru, Stoella, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Henk, Hertzog, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2010-10-17 | [[a_murder_mystery|A Murder Mystery]] | Clunk, Jett, Petru, Stoella, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Daniël, Henk, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2010-09-11 \\ 2010-08-29 | [[citadel_of_the_dead|Citadel of the Dead]] | Clunk, Rodakan, Stoella, Wizen, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Daniël, Henk, [[Rich]], Ryan | | 2010-06-26 \\ 2010-06-19 | [[crypt_of_the_dragon_prince|Crypt of the Dragon Prince]] | Clunk, Eckhardt, Petru, Stoella, Wizen, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Daniël, Henk, Hertzog, Peet, [[Rich]] | | 2010-06-12 | [[stolen_goods|Stolen Goods]] | Ashanti, Clunk, Leetor, Stoella, Zulak | [[Andrew]], Anton, Guy, Henk, [[Rich]] | | 2010-04-03 \\ 2010-03-27 | [[diplomatic_mission|A Diplomatic Mission]] | Clunk, Leetor, QiRa, Stoella, Wizen | Anton, Daniël, Diricia, Henk, [[Rich]] | | 2010-02-12 | [[missing_fisherman|Missing Fisherman]] | Clunk, Eckhardt, Jett, Petru, QiRa, Rodakan | Daniël, Diricia, Henk, Hertzog, Peet, Ryan |