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====== Ubu the Underfoot ====== Scoundrel, layabout, deadbeat. As a child, Ubu was a dreamer. Growing up in the small, but prosperous halfling holding of Three Rivers, Ubu would spend his time willfully going against the peaceful and respectable grain. If there was a solemn occasion at hand, he would invariably interrupt it with a huge farcical display; if there were visitors to the hamlet, they would not be safe from his practical jokes. Instead of attending formal education, his schooling days were spent learning to tell lies with the goblin cubs of Mudsticks, the small, neighbouring trade settlement. Known to a few scholars, Three Rivers is close to the Feyrealm at certain times of the year. Ubu would occasionally wander into the Feyrealm by accident when he made his nightly journeys to gaze at the moon. On his 9th birthday, Ubu stumbled upon and interrupted a grand feast attended by the Fae court. Enchanted with his wild, brash manner, the Fae invited Ubu to a Game of Stories. His mind was filled with fantastical visions, and he managed to twist, lie and enchant even the most ardent competitor. As an award, he was given the 'blessings' of the Feyrealm, and came to the bemused attention of Sehanine. Forever changed, he left his community to find more stories to tell. They were tactfully quiet about their relief... As many before him did, Ubu eventually found his way to a secluded monastic order dedicated to Sehanine's teachings of non-absolutes, non-truths and deception, called the [[Knights of the Autumn Leaves|knights of the autumn leaves]]. Here he was instructed in the ways of swordsmanship, to both create and see through falsehoods, and to follow his passions with utmost conviction. ===== About Ubu ===== {{}} **Were you born in Lockenport, or elsewhere?** I was born in a small town in the Halfling Riverlands. **Do you have a big family? Do you stay in touch with them?** I still have both of my parents, some grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and the most annoying stickler-for-rules sister around, Obo the Overhand. We've never liked each other, and my parents adore her! The last I heard she's become some sort of noble Paladin or something. **What are your religious beliefs?** I'm a follower of Sehanine, Goddess of the Moon, Trickery and Love. She encourages a full, passionate life, not constrained by conventional ideas of right and wrong, good or evil. I too find slavish devotion to an abstract ideal very limiting. My 'worship' of Her might not be understood by many, but it involves me getting lost in the woods by myself sometimes, or fighting for the love of those close to me. I'd rather not go into more details at this point... **Do you have any famous ancestors?** Not that I know of, no. **What sort of education or training have you had?** Training and education! Those are just ways to confine your life into a miserable, small existence, and to never reach your true potential. I sneer at the lessons my tutors tried to teach me; in reality, lies are as valuable as 'truths'. For my own interests, I have learned the ways of tricksy magic and how people think. Get inside their heads, you know? **Do you have a trade (other than "adventuring")?** No. I live for the moment, and I always manage to get by. **Do you have many enemies?** I don't know what you mean. Are there a lot of people that don't like me? I'm sure there are. But unless they make the mistake to draw their swords, I don't really care. **What style of clothes do you favour?** I like to travel light, and as prepared as I can be. I live on the move, you see. Never really been comfortable settling down... **Have you ever killed someone?** Who's asking? And define 'someone'... If you draw your sword, I draw mine. As simple as that. **What is your opinion of the Lockenport authorities?** The who? Just kidding. I know they make small-minded people feel safe in their tiny little lives, but I wouldn't count on them to save my butt. ===== Ubu's Journal ===== ==== Companions ==== The undead are on the march, and it's clear that they need to be opposed if the people of Lockenport are going to have a chance at survival. So I enlisted with the local Guild. Boy was a I assigned with some blowhards! The "leader", a self-style ladies' man, has the kind of uneasy, grim grin only a Shadar-kai could flash. The first time it took a lot of concentration to keep my breakfast down. I just wonder what he's doing adventuring so far from home... And then there's the suicidal Kord Dwarf. What an idiot! I can't believe these muscle-bound Kordites; don't they know how embarrassing it is to keep reinforcing their own scantily clad stereotypes? At least he could swing that axe when it counted. On a side note, the Shadar-kai kept making mindless 'small person' jokes, aimed at the Kord-iot and myself; I feigned indignation, all the while calmly studying him for some clue to his persona. I am starting to be intrigued by this far-off journeyman... The warforged seem nice enough; he kept doing as I instructed, so I can't fault him on that. Plus, he's tough as nails. I felt comfortable fighting alongside him. The half-elf (I think he's a half-elf) was stoned out of his mind for most of the day, but he quickly switched to wide awake and violent when we were confronted. I like him. And then there was my favourite party member: that cat lady druid. I felt quite shy around her for most of our travel, but seeing how she fearlessly she charged into combat and how wild her passions ran, I think I might have a small crush on her... ==== Defenders of Comack Isle ==== We were instructed to meet up with a herd of Centaurs to ask for their help in scouting out the approaching dread army, when en route we were assaulted by some of the undead's van. The huge, monstruous dog was merely a distraction to an evil mist and his two spectral servants. I bravely charged into combat, never fearing their presence, and striking true with the cleansing glow of Sehanine's moon. There is no room for Passion, Love or Trickery with undead; the kindest thing you can do is to unmake them. The Centaurs were proud and graceful, truly a wonder to behold. Their strength through harmony with nature, plus their free way of living made me nostalgic for more travels; I fear that would have to wait until after a turning point in the upcoming battle. The elder warned us of an ancient evil that was stirring as a result of our rag-tag army's base camp. We agreed to use the Fey ring to travel there swiftly and warn our company. Sadly, our travel was interrupted. We found ourselves standing in a chamber of spore-like eggs, slime and crystals. It seemed that these had the ability to somehow influence and bend any attempts at traveling through the hidden realms. We were assaulted by foul creatures of the Far realm; these aberrants are inimical to all natural life, and a true horror to behold. My companions fought well, although some were a little foolhardy and too eager to meet their musclebound god daddy (I'm not going to mention any names). Through great effort and bravery (mostly on my part) we reached a room where the creatures seemed to spawn through pools of sickening red matter. After a devestating battle, where I gloriously slayed a roper with a mighty blow, we managed to fix and attune a harp that seemed to have a pacifying effect on these foul creatures. Our brave leader, freshly returned from the beyond, proved his worth then with a graceful play of the harp. This seemed to lull the creatures back into torpor, and bought us the time we needed to dig our way to freedom, and to alert the camp. The base of operations decamped with astonishing speed, and we are currently rethinking our grand strategy... Sadly, some of our party, including the the fiercely beautiful druid, were diseased in our battle. I hope that her passion can overcome this affliction... ===== Ubu's Vital Statistics ====== ==== Halfling Paladin, Level 7 ==== **Emphasis:** Charisma, Wisdom **Trained Skills:** Arcana, Bluff, Heal, Insight, Religion **Feats:** Pact Initiate, Novice Power, Lost in the Crowd, Weapon Expertise: Light Blade **Powers:** * **Race:** Second Chance\\ * **Class:** Channel Divinity, Divine Challenge, Eyebite, Lay on Hands\\ * **At-Will:** Enfeebling Strike, Virtuous Strike\\ * **Encounter:** Benign Transposition, Otherwind Stride, Valorous Smite\\ * **Daily:** Majestic Halo, Unyielding Faith\\ * **Utility:** Divine Counter, Minor Threat\\

ubu.1320004797.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/10/30 21:59 by Hertzog van Heerden