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zulak [2011/10/27 09:02]
Ant Brooks
zulak [2012/10/12 13:00] (current)
Andrew Horne [Hope is for the Weak]
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 Zulak Grayd is a half-elf Star Pact Warlock. Unusually for a half-elf, Zulak was not raised by either humans or elves, but was instead raised by the respected Balaszar Dragonborn clan that once served the Emperor of the Arkosian Empire. Zulak Grayd is a half-elf Star Pact Warlock. Unusually for a half-elf, Zulak was not raised by either humans or elves, but was instead raised by the respected Balaszar Dragonborn clan that once served the Emperor of the Arkosian Empire.
-Zulak ended up in the care of the Balaszar Clan, because his elven father saved the life of Medrash Balaszar. Zulak knows only that what was told to him by Medrash about his father. Medrash raised Zulak for the best part of a century, teaching him their history, culture and traditions. ​+Zulak ended up in the care of the Balaszar Clan, because his father saved his life when they were attack in the great forest. Zulak knows only that what was told to him by Medrash about his father. Medrash raised Zulak for the best part of a century, teaching him their history, culture and traditions. ​
-Outliving his teacher and guardian, Zulak set out to explore the rest of the world and experience as much of the glorious tales he was told by Medrash.+Outliving his teacher and guardian, Zulak set out to explore the rest of the world and experience as much of the glorious tales he was told by Medrash. He did not feel like he belonged and what to create his on destiny.
 Zulak tends to look down on others, and comes across as arrogant to many people who meet him for the first time. He is not afraid of "doing what the moment requires"​ which means he can be impetuous in combat, particularly when wielding his eldritch blast against those he views as enemies. Zulak tends to look down on others, and comes across as arrogant to many people who meet him for the first time. He is not afraid of "doing what the moment requires"​ which means he can be impetuous in combat, particularly when wielding his eldritch blast against those he views as enemies.
 =====Appearance===== =====Appearance=====
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 **Do you have any famous ancestors?​** **Do you have any famous ancestors?​**
-Not that I know of, no.+Not that I know of, no. (Recently discovered my heritage.)
 **What sort of education or training have you had?** **What sort of education or training have you had?**
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 [XP awarded 2011-10-27] [XP awarded 2011-10-27]
 +We managed to recruit the Centaurs to the cause, and opted to travel back to the base camp to warn Tavius about the impending danger the Irregulars are in. However the Fey Teleportation was interrupted and we ended up inside the Glistening Hill. 
 +We fought our way out, and managed to warn Tavius to move the base-camp about a half hour away from its current location. The mission was a great success. We did have some party issues with our newest recruit, Xav putting himself in very dangerous situations, and needing to be rescued. Ubu is a fun interesting paladin, I think we are going to see great things from the <​del>​little</​del>​ brave halfling.
 +====Message from the Great Forest====
 +After we concluded our debriefing with Tavius, everyone sat around a large fire. People were still running back and forth, putting up tent and other structures. There is still equipment and food being carted from the old base-camp site at the abandoned Goliath Village.
 +Just after dark a ragged soldier from the impromptu Lockenport Militia came over to me and handed me a cage with a magnificent Harpy Eagle, his was the signature animal messenger of the Queen of the Elves. I undid the sting tie that kept the cage shut and let the majestic bird free. It jump out of the cage and landed on my arm. I was surprised how heavy the eagle was. I quickly undid the first message, and read it...
 +===Message One===
 +It was a message from Nerina, my half-sister. ​
 +Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien Zulak, thuni'​tan swyn bedich.
 +Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn' Ambar-metta
 +Ú i vethed...nâ i onnad. Boe bedich go Zulak. Han bâd lîn.
 +Elkenith Thior. Tollen i lû. I chair gwannar na Mistyvale. Si bado, no círar. ​
 +Ú-chebin Estel anim.
 +Law, hîr nín, ú dollen i Rîw. Anírach, nui lû, gwannad uin gwaith lín.
 +===Translation Message One===
 +Thank you for sending the animal messenger, to notify us. 
 +It is joyous news to hear you still alive Zulak, much has to be done.
 +We have sent Elkenith Calmcacil, to temporarily take your place. He'll arrive soon. 
 +Do you think you can come to Mistyvale as soon as posible?
 +The Elven Council is to convene, and you are summoned to join.
 +We all have much to do, and there is much that you need to know.
 +See you soon brother, safe travels.
 +==== ====
 +I re-read the message several times, I needed to get to the Great Forest, but how. Like a blow I realized that there was no mention of Feldor. My heart started racing as I quickly undid the second message.
 +===Message Two===
 +Nadath nâ i moe cerich. Dan, ú-'​eveditham,​ Zulak. Aníron i e broniatha Comack, ad ae periatham athar i methid en-amar hen. Andelu i ven. Aníron i e círatha na Mistvale. Gwenwin in enninath. Ú-'​arnech in naeth i si celich. Renech i beth i pennen? A si i-Dhuath ú-orthor, Zulak. Ú or le a ú or nin. I amar prestar aen. Han mathon ne nen. Han mathon ne chae. A han noston ned '​wilith. Namárië. Han'th ton methia in bedich. Hoe, al i alsio'​th ti Mistyvale. Gwaith lin.
 +===Translation Message Two===
 +There is much you have yet to do. We shall meet soon again, Zulak. I would have you leave the shores of Comack and be with your people. The road is to dangerous. I would have you take the Fey Portal to Mistyvale. Long years have passed. You did not wear the troubles you carry now. There is much to discuss. The shadow does not hold sway yet, Zulak. Not over you, not over us. The world is changing. I feel it in the waters. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Travel by Fey Portal, an escort is awaiting your arrival. Farewell
 +==== ====
 +My mind was racin with hundreds of questions and no-one to talk to about it. I have no other option but to head to Mistyvale. I started to worry why Feldor has not sent notice that he has arrived safely.
 +My mind was full of dead end questions. I moved away from he fire as not to show the concern about the current situation I'm facing.
 +I would have to notify the Guild of my current plans to head to the Great Forest. It was just after dusk when a different soldier came to notify me that Tavius wanted to see me in his office.
 +I quickly headed over to meet Tavius.
 +There was two soldier standing next to the entrance to Tavius'​s tent, I nodded at them and they moved aside to allow me access to the tent. Inside there was the normal piles of papers and books that seemed to accompany Tavius where ever he goes. There was another person standing to the one side. Tavius greeted me and introduced the stranger.
 +=== ===
 +**Tavius**: Aah Zulak this gentleman is looking for you.
 +**Zulak**: You must be Elkenith
 +**Elkenith**:​ //inclines his head.// You are Zulak Grayd son to Arrian Grayd and Zulcan Fellor, brother to Nerina and Sylvian Grayd. It is an honor
 +**Zulak**: //turning towards Tavius.// I beg your pardon Tavius, we will take our leave to conclude our meeting further in private.
 +**Tavius** //waving his hand towards the door.// Fine Fine, you are excused.
 +==== ====
 +I could sense the Eldritch power emanating from Elkenith. We walked to my tent situated close to the edge of the base-camp. Once we got comfortable,​ we sat in silence for about ten minutes gathering our thoughts. Elkenith was the first to speak.
 +=== ===
 +**Elkenith**:​ I'm Elkenith Calmcacil, son to Idril and Valandil Calmcacil, I came with answers to your many questions, in return you will travel to Mistyvale and meet with the Elven council that will convene in 2 days time. 
 +**Zulak**: How do I get the [[Great Forest|Great Forest]] in time?
 +    ​
 +**Elkenith**:​ The same way I got here, you can use the Fey Portal located behind the hill west of here, it is not far.
 +**Zulak**: I'll start preparations immediately.
 +**Elkenith**:​ But first I have some information that you need to hear before we depart. I'm happy to see you so eager visit your family, but it is no a pic-nic in and around Mistyvale. We are under heavy attack, Vedroth is spread out around the [[Life Preserver|Life Preserver]]on the North-East and East boarder. This foul dead that have reached here, are only scouting parties. ​
 +**Zulak**: We have to warn Lockenport about this.
 +**Elkenith**:​ I have dispatched a message to several of the local factions and guilds in Lockenport, they will be prepared as well as the can. Zulak listen to me, if the [[Life Preserver|Life Preserver]] falls so does Mistyvale!! We have around three hundred mages, wizards, sorcerers and druids from apprentice to arch- reinforcing it.
 +**Zulak**: How long is it going to hold?
 +**Elkenith**:​ For now it is holding, but we have never face such an vast army. It looks like Vedroth a rallied every evil creature on the main land to fight for his cause. This is an all out destruction of life.
 +**Zulak**: What preparations have been made, and what are the Elven War Councils plans?
 +**Elkenith**:​ The council will convene in 2 days to discuss plans for this war. Zulak never before have we faced such a vast army. I fear this is the start of a long war that will test the strength of the living. Vedroth is adding to his horde every time he attacks a settlement or city. The world will have to unite to face the undead horde.
 +**Zulak**: What of the rest of the Main land, how are preparations going?
 +**Elkenith**:​ I fear that there have been no word as yet from the messengers that were been sent out by the council. Preliminary estimation is the larger cities on the Main land was hit first. It was Vedroth'​s ​ stratagy to attack them all at once, no warning reached those cities, so they were unprepared for the attacks.
 +You and the Irregulars have done well against Vedroth'​s forces, but don't get complacent. What you have face so far in nothing compared to Vedroth. ​
 +**Zulak**: Vedroth will pay for what he has done, we shall see if he can die twice. What can you tell me about my ancestral home?
 +**Elkenith**:​ You were born in Mistyvale, home to the High Elves. You farther Zulcan however was not of Mistyvale. We found him on the west border, after the queen sent Arrian, your mother, and myself to investigate the source of eldrith energy that was thought to be destroyed 2 millennia ago. We found a young lost and confused boy. Arrian invited Zulcan, your father back to Mistyvale to speak to the Queen.
 +**Zulak**: Please continue.
 +**Elkenith**:​ Zulcan was a very complex boy, unlike any other human we elves have ever encountered. The queen started crying when see laid eyes upon your father. They were tears of remembrance. The queen is the sole survivor from a time when elves were slaves to a mighty race called Titan. These huge beings wielded the eldrith power that you, your father and I posses.
 +**Zulak**: Why you talking about my father as if he is still alive.
 +**Elkenith**:​ Zulak we never found your father, dead or alive. After you and Zulcan left Mistyvale on one of your fathers many secret and isolated adventures, we search for many moons trying to locate any evidence of you and your fathers'​ location. After 3 years of non stop searching we called of the search, redirected the resources to the war on our eastern border against Vedroth. Your mother mourned you and your fathers loss for a decade. ​
 +**Zulak**: Did my father say anything from where he came?
 +**Elkenith**:​ The queen had many questions regarding Zulcan "​special"​ abilities. The power that your father and us posses, are from an eon ago. The black of eldrith was used to dominated the elves during their long years of slavery. The Titan were brutal masters and uncaring of the hardships there lavish and decadent lifestyles were causing. Your great ancestor is from the Fellor family located many moons travel to the west. Your father explained that he saw many wondrous things and places between his home of Blackstone and the Great Forest. Most notably the area where the Elemental Chaos slowly seeps into our world.
 +**Zulak**: [[Blackstone|Blackstone]]?​ It is nothing but a legend. Madresh told me about the city of Blackstone once when I was very young. What can you tell me about it?
 +**Elkenith**:​ The city is real Zulak, the journey to [[Blackstone|Blackstone]] is a perilous road, that only the bravest and strongest should dare to travel. The city is corrupted by an evil and ancient sword. This sword has spread its evil to the lands surrounding the city and have consumed forest and lake and all inhabitants of Blackstone. That eldritch power over the years has grown so much that we in Mistyvale can feel the evil pulsating from the west. 
 +**Zulak** You said the swords power is Eldritch, do you think that is the source of my power?
 +**Elkenith** If there is any relation between your abilities and that of the sword, there is no question. Your power will grow, whether it will consume or protect this world it is still unknown. Know this however, Eldritch energies were believed destroyed with the tyrannical Titan race.           
 +**Zulkak** Has anyone attempted the journey to [[Blackstone|Blackstone]]?​
 +**Elkenith** A few yes, only one had returned to convey what he had found. He was sick and his mind had gone mad. None of our healers could do anything for him, he died of unknown reasons a few months later.
 +  ​
 +**Zulak**: I have heard all I need to, I will be leaving now Elkenith, I want to see my family!! ​
 +**Elkenith**:​ I understand, I will help you prepare, Take only what you need. I'll be waiting at the office of Tavius, I have more matter to discuss with him.    ​
 +======Hope is for the Weak======
 +I arrived at the Fey Portal just outside of Mistyvale. As the Queen said in her message a tall elf named Triel greeted me and ushered me towards a beautiful black gelding waiting for a rider. He was unsaddled and his coat had a shiny sheen.
 +**Zulak** This horse is beautiful, it looks like it is ment for a member of a royalty. ​
 +**Triel** //Smiling// - It is our queens gift to you Lord Zulak, you are the key in great events to come and the queen has seen it in her visions. Please we don't have much time, we are outside the protection of the Life Preserver and Vedroth'​s spies are everywhere. //Jumping on his horse// Come we head for Mistyvale.
 +The party set out to the elven capital. I looked around at my surroundings,​ an noticed the signs of battle. There was arrows stuck in trees, rusting sword scatter around the forest floor. ​
 +We rode hard for about three hours, till we reached Mistyvale. Mistyvale was even more beautiful than I imagined, the city was a vast. The huge tree stretched into high into the air, with large intricate flora buildings at the top. Long bridges connected large platforms to each other. A soft light emitted from thousands of everglow torches and lanterns. A truly magnifisent sight to behold.
 +Looking infront of me again, I saw a lovely elf woman, see was staring at me with tear filled large green eyes.
 +**Arrian:** //Sobbing// My son returns home.
 +**Zulak:** ....
 +**Triel:** Arrian, you will have time to talk to Zulak, but we have to address the council, the queen is waiting.
 +**Arrian:** //Hugging Zulak// We will speak soon, my son.
 +We climbed the ladders to the top of and old oak. From this vantage point I saw an impossibly enormous oak standing in the middle of Mistyvale. It dwarfed all other trees. I was looking at Queen Narina'​s tree of eternity. The titanic trees branches spread in all directions, covering all of Mistyvale under them. Long elaborate bridges and lift systems connected the tree to all parts of Mistyvale. The base of the tree of eternity had large beautiful gardens set among the roots, with verandas, benches and gazeboes. ​
 +We took an elevator to the pantheon level of the ToE. The level was crowed with elves all dressed in soft pastel colored clothes. We proceeded towards another elevator, and rode it to the very top platform. From this level I could see most of Mistyvale down below. We were nearly 450 feet above the gardens at the roots. I turn to face in the direction of a musical voice calling my name. I turned around and stared at the most beautiful elve I had ever seen. Queen Nerina is tall and slender and dressed in a simple elegant gown that hugged her figure tightly. She wore a leafy crown make out of gold and silver encrusted with all manner of precious gems. The crown reflected the lights of the palace and it looked like the queen was wearing the starry sky on her head.
 +//Nerina:// Welcome home Zulak, your return signifies the start of great things to come. The council has been waiting, let us convene and decide what is to be our actions against the most foul Vedroth.
 +//Zulak// Your highness honors me, I will not keep the council waiting any longer.
 +We headed towards the Elven Palace.
 +======War Council====== ​
 ====Stats==== ====Stats====
-====Powers and Descriptions====+====Powers, Incantations ​and Descriptions====
 ===Warlock'​s Curse=== ===Warlock'​s Curse===
 **Incantation**:​ You Cannot Resist! **Incantation**:​ You Cannot Resist!
-**Description**:​ I place my curse on an enemy to reduce there defense against ​me attacks.+**Description**:​ I place my curse on an enemy to reduce there defense against ​my attacks.
 ===Scorching Burst=== ===Scorching Burst===
Line 415: Line 589:
 **Description**:​ A vertical column of flames erupts from the ground and burns all within. **Description**:​ A vertical column of flames erupts from the ground and burns all within.
 +===Rotting Doom===
 +**Incantation**:​ Death Awaits You
 +**Description**:​ I hold up my hand, palm out, and release pale wisps to infect my foe with horrid decay.
 ===Eldritch Blast=== ===Eldritch Blast===
Line 427: Line 606:
 ===Vile Brand=== ===Vile Brand===
-**Incantation**:​Doubt Consumes You!+**Incantation**:​ Doubt Consumes You!
-**Description**:​I cause a distant enemy'​s hide to blacken and form a brand that decreases my enemy'​s ability to strike against me.+**Description**:​ I cause a distant enemy'​s hide to blacken and form a brand that decreases my enemy'​s ability to strike against me.
 ===Frigid Darkness=== ===Frigid Darkness===
zulak.1319698931.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/10/27 09:02 by Ant Brooks