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====== Corrin ====== {{}} Corrin is a halfling rogue. He grew up with his family and extended family upon the water ways connected to Lakes Wintermist & Nen. An unwelome association with a young Halfling ranger (Merric), in Nenlast, resulted in him being banned from his family when he was 17 years old. The two went on to become good friends and parted company 6 months ago in Harkenwold, as Merric ventured into the Harken forest. Corrin joined up with a bunch of adventurers called the Knights of the Serpent and is currently on a mission with them. ====== Character Stats ====== Corrin, level 7 * Halfling, Rogue * Build: Trickster Rogue * Rogue Tactics: Artful Dodger * Rogue: Rogue Weapon Talent * Background: Halfling - Banned, Geography - Wetlands (+2 to Stealth) FINAL ABILITY SCORES * Str 12, Con 14, Dex 19, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 16 * AC: 19 * Fort: 16 * Reflex: 20 * Will: 17 * HP: 56 * Surges: 8 * Surge Value: 14 TRAINED SKILLS * Stealth +14, Thievery +14, Insight +8, Bluff +11, Acrobatics +16, Perception +8 UNTRAINED SKILLS * Arcana +3, Diplomacy +6, Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +5, Heal +3, History +3, Intimidate +6, Nature +3, Religion +3, Streetwise +6, Athletics +4 FEATS * Level 1: Backstabber * Level 2: Halfling Agility * Level 4: Improved Initiative * Level 6: Martial Alacrity (retrained to Escape Artist at Level 7) POWERS * Rogue at-will 1: Sly Flourish * Rogue at-will 1: Deft Strike * Rogue encounter 1: Dazing Strike (retrained to Guarded Attack at Level 2) * Rogue daily 1: Trick Strike * Rogue utility 2: Tumble (retrained to Fleeting Ghost at Level 3) * Rogue encounter 3: Bait and Switch * Rogue daily 5: Flashy Riposte * Rogue utility 6: Vexing Flanker (retrained to Ignoble Escape at Level 6) * Rogue encounter 7: Circling Predator ITEMS * Leather Armor, Dagger (10), Adventurer's Kit, Thieves' Tools, Trail Rations (10), Vicious Short sword +1, Safewing Amulet +1, Thieving Dagger +1, Bag of Tricks, Gray (heroic tier), Cloak of Resistance +1, Gloves of Piercing (heroic tier), Bracers of Defense (heroic tier) ====== Player ====== [[rich|Rich]]

corrin.1270578579.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/04/06 20:29 by Richard Askham