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====== Grymes ====== Grymes is a Drow Sorcerer/Rogue. Having spent much of his life lurking in the deepest cracks of the Underdark, he is comfortably acquainted with his own company. Acid scarred skin, rotting breath and a less than pleasant body odour, Grymes does not suit the social conventions of most civilised folk. But regardless, he has his way of getting what and where he wants. A master in the art of cunning, he slips through enemy senses, dances his way down corridors of deathly traps, and snatches whatever shiny and sparkly treasures he can get his grubby fingers on. However, any foe who does have the misfortune of getting close enough to Grymes is usually treated to the rather unsuspecting pleasure of an exploding slime-ball in the face - just seconds before he disappears in a magical puff of noxious fumes. ===== About Grymes ===== {{}} **Were you born in Lockenport, or elsewhere?** **Do you have a big family? Do you stay in touch with them?** **What are your religious beliefs?** **Do you have any famous ancestors?** **What sort of education or training have you had?** **Do you have a trade (other than "adventuring")?** **Do you have many enemies?** **What style of clothes do you favour?** **Have you ever killed someone?** **What is your opinion of the Lockenport authorities?**

grymes.1373043750.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/07/05 19:02 by David Driver