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The lightfoot halfling is the most common halfling variety. Lightfoot halflings stand about 3 feet tall and usually weigh between 30 and 35 pounds. They have brown or black eyes. Lightfoot halfling men often have long sideburns, but beards are rare among them and mustaches almost unseen. Lightfoot halflings prefer simple, comfortable, and practical clothes. Unlike members of most races, they prefer actual comfort to shows of wealth. Lightfoot halflings reach adulthood in their early twenties and generally live into the middle of their second century. Halflings are generally a lot wiser than Acorn is. That is, they tend to learn from their mistakes. Lockenport is such a mishmash of races and cultures that halflings like Acorn are not an unusual sight.

halfling.1299766876.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/03/10 16:21 by Alicia Thomas-Woolf