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====== Hunzu ====== Hunzu is a Shardmind Bard. He has a curious and keen interest in the Arcane, but find the notion of societies, and especially cultural costums, troubling and alien. Hunzu communicates complex thoughts telepathically to individual minds, but would often let his intentions been known via audible vibrations and hums, generated by vibrating his crystalline structure. ===== About Hunzu ===== {{}} **Were you born in Lockenport, or elsewhere?** .::I come very far from here, and can't remember ever being 'born'::. **Do you have a big family? Do you stay in touch with them?** .::All sentient beings share a common thread, but I do not have a 'family'::. **What are your religious beliefs?** .::The goddess Ioun have blessed me with a thirst for knowledge, and I gladly observe her rites::. **Do you have any famous ancestors?** .::{Hums Softly}::. **What sort of education or training have you had?** .::It's more important to consider what education I am having and will have::. **Do you have a trade (other than "adventuring")?** .::I have very little needs, except my quest for gathering knowledge::. **Do you have many enemies?** .::{Resonates with a low, menacing hum}::. **What style of clothes do you favour?** .::I am aware that my appearance is unusual enough that many don't look at my attire::. **Have you ever killed someone?** .::I have tirelessly dedicated myself to the destruction of non-conscious minds of aberrations that plague the worlds::. **What is your opinion of the Lockenport authorities?** .::I am amazed at sentient beings that try and impose themselves on each other::.

hunzu.1371415297.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/06/16 22:41 (external edit)