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====== Miles Trentworth ====== {{}} Miles Trentworth went missing during a fishing trip to a bay near [[badlands|the Badlands]] on the west coast of [[comack_island|Comack Island]]. The [[fishermans_guild|Fisherman's Guild]] commissioned the [[irregulars|Lockenport Irregulars]] to find Trentworth, and a group of adventurers was dispatched to locate the [[missing_fisherman|missing fisherman]]. Miles was pulling up his nets in the late morning, when a large boat approached. When he waved a greeting to them, the response was a hail of arrows. In a panic, Trentworth unfurled his sail and rammed the beach. Although wounded, he fled across the sand towards the hills. Perhaps fortunately, Miles stumbled into a hidden pit, and fell down into an underground area, where he remained until rescued by the Irregulars a few days later. Based on the evidence, it seems his pursuers were driven off by an ankheg residing in the area. Miles Trentworth lives in a fairly poor part of Lockenport, near the fishermen's docks. He is married to Laya Hespil, and they have a son (Kellik) and a daughter (Yilla). "It weren't flying no flag, but that were one of Greshtik's vessels f'sure. Me brother Jodd worked on the construction of some of those."

miles_trentworth.1270127087.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/04/01 15:04 by Ant Brooks